Monday, April 25, 2011

Nietzsche said the essential thing that would provide meaning for life is “a long obedience in the same direction.” Someone else corrected this saying it should be “a long obedience in the right direction.”

A long obedience does not sound adventurous, or exciting. It seems to promise monotony, a distinct lack of excitement. But oh, how far from the truth.

My attempt at Obedience has so far lead to me to college. I am three years in and it has been anything but monotonous. I have been studying Intercultural Studies, while also dabbling in development, Christian ministries and finally sticking to an interdisciplinary track in Sociology.

Consistent obedience. It means I had to find a church to serve and worship communally in, and City Church appeared. Somehow I have gotten to be a part of the beginnings of a Children’s Ministry and have gotten to serve with a team of great people.
Consistent obedience. It means that I have to utilize my time and abilities to spend my time strategically. My time is not my own, right? Sparro is a community of people dear to my heart who go weekly into Compton to tutor at Davis Middle School. The opportunities given to us in Compton have multiplied and exceeded all expectation.
Consistent obedience. It means I surround myself with people who challenge me, and humble me. My roommates, and my other close friends personify the idea of brothers and sisters in Christ. To my occasional frustration they hold me to a high standard and model characteristics of God to me.

So far a consistent obedience in the right direction has been hard, and I have failed so many times. And it is far from being over.

This summer is my internship. A six-week exploit across cultures to implement all my head knowledge gathered in the last three years. I have been able to design this internship to focus on my specific interests. Those being: Missionary Care, and a Philosophy of Short Term Missions.

Here is the plan:
• On June 12th I will be flying to Sri Lanka with my dad to visit a family living there full time. We will be there for five days.
• From Sri Lanka we will fly to Thailand to stay with a couple who work with New Tribes Missions.
• After five days in Thailand we will fly to Malawi. I will stay in Malawi for about five weeks with Michelle Halemeier who works at the African Bible College.
• I do not know the specifics of what I will be doing yet, as it is up to the people I will be staying with.
• Cost: about 4,000$ for the whole trip. 3,000 of that being airfare.

This venture costs a lot, it’s going to be a lot of traveling, and I am going to need so much prayer before, during and after it. If you would like to partner with me on this venture in any way I would love to have your support. This blog is where I will be posting the progression of this venture, from how much money I have raised, to what specific things I need prayer for. I’ll share what I am learning about the countries I’ll be in as well as what I want to learn this summer. Goals, worries, opportunities…. They will all be here.

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